Unlock Your Peak Performance & Create a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

The Limitless Mastermind is an intimate community for top women entrepreneurs ready to transform their life.


- Cassie Nguyen-Henderson, CEO & Sales Funnel Copywriter

“I feel like a completely different person… Within one week of working with Whitney, I had my highest-paid week to date. After just a month, my business had a complete transformation.

You have BIG dreams. BIG desires. BIG plans.
You were never meant to play small. 

From building a business that lights your soul on fire & and allows you to work in your Zone of Genius every single day…

To enjoying a cool 7-figure income (or more!) through doing work you love…

To being able to buy the Chanel, plan the trip, or donate to that important cause without stopping to check your bank account…

To enjoying a life of pure freedom, whatever that looks like to you (Traveling the world? Summers off with your family? A little of both? You can have whatever you want!)...

01/ The HOW

You can see the big picture, but you sometimes still get stuck on breaking that vision down into yearly, quarterly, monthly, and even weekly actions.

What you might be missing though?


You’ve done your fair share of mindset work… but you still falter. Old beliefs die hard, and you occasionally find yourself questioning whether you want too much, or whether you can really do what you want to do.

03/ EASE

You’re not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get to work, but you don’t want to feel like every day is a grind. You see other women building their businesses with joy and grace… and you want what she’s having!


If you’re being honest, you’re still dreaming smaller than your soul really longs for. It’s not that you don’t know what you want—in your heart of hearts, you do. But you don’t feel confident that you can actually create the life you desire. 


You’ve worked with business coaches, built the funnels, launched the things, and frankly, you’re doing fine. But you’re really craving next-level support and accountability from someone who sees what you’re all about and can help you reach your peak potential.

We believe…

YOU have the potential within you to create something life-changing, and even world-changing.

YOU are the hero of your story, the one who knows yourself best—and the one who will ultimately lead yourself to the life you desire.

YOU are not broken or less-than for getting stuck on old mindsets and limiting beliefs. Everyone has these—and you can soar past them, if you’re willing to put the time into rewiring your mind. 

In the LIMITLESS Mastermind, we’re all about helping you unlock a life so good, you might not even have dared to let yourself dream about it yet.

My role? I’m your seasoned guide, shining a light on your most fabulous life and helping you create a rock-solid mindset, expansive business strategy, and tactical plan to get to where you want to be.

I’m Whitney—your performance coach and #1 supporter from here on.

With more than 20 years of experience helping brilliant women executives and entrepreneurs optimize their performance + unlock their peak potential, I’m here to help you tap into your FULL power. 

Oh hi, have we met?

What does this look like, practically speaking?


Rewiring your brain to think from a place of ABUNDANCE.

No more jumping through scarcity hoops and getting caught on limiting beliefs. We literally reprogram your mind to think like the unstoppable, unshakeable millionaire you’re meant to be. 


Shifting your business for more joy, freedom, and fulfillment.

I’m never going to tell you growing an elite business isn’t going to require hard work. It absolutely is. But that work can feel intentional, enjoyable, aligned, and even exciting. I’ll show you how!


Creating a tactical plan to unlock your ultimate vision.

We love to dream big in this community—and we love to turn those dreams into real action. We’ll work hand in hand to break your desires down into a clear, intentional strategy, so you can see jaw-dropping progress from month to month. 


Experiencing lightning-fast growth.

Speaking of progress—in this program, you’ll see major results, in a fraction of the time. It’s not unusual for women to exponentially multiply their revenue, unlock six-figure months, or find themselves taking months away to vacation in Europe… often within their first few months of mastermind membership.


Trusting that you are performing at your highest possible potential.

Do you ever feel like you could be doing more with your life? Or like you’re working hard but still feeling stuck? In the Limitless Mastermind, we vanquish hustle vibes and not-good-enough anxieties by optimizing every element of your life, business, and mindset… so you can lay your head on the pillow each night knowing everything is working for you. 

If you’re sick of settling for “enough” and ready to step into your boldest, most abundant reality yet—this community is full of women who will hold you to your highest vision, believe in your potential, cheer you on through the ups and downs, and challenge you to create the life you truly desire. 

Curious about joining us?

Book a Call to Learn More

What’s Waiting For You Inside Limitless?

Inside, you’ll find…

A 12-month Mastermind For Women Who Are Ready to Transform Their Reality, Uplevel Their Business, & Unlock Their Deepest Desires In Every Area of Life.

12 Months of Limitless Transformation

You’ll be witnessed in your power and held accountable to your vision as you soar to your peak potential over the next year!

Quarterly 1:1 Intensives

Each quarter, we’ll meet for 90 minutes to align on your next-level goals and focus your plan for the upcoming quarter. After your intensive, I’ll provide you with a 100% personalized 90-Day Strategic Plan, broken down into precise 2-week chunks—so you’ll always know exactly what you need to do to hit your goals. 

6x 1:1 Intensives

In addition to our quarterly meetings, you’ll also gt 6 private coaching calls. Here, we’ll focus on a custom combination of mindset and strategy, based on your specific needs. These are engineered to help you become your most joyful, powerful, purpose-driven, and (oh yes!) RICH version of yourself. 

2x Monthly Group Calls

Each month, we’ll focus on a different topic and work together to remove your blocks or limiting beliefs in a particular area (for example, wealth, visibility, confidence, performance, etc.). You’ll have opportunities to be coached—and in aligned circumstances, to act as a guest coach. Attend live to connect with your community, or tune into the replay at whatever time works for your schedule. 

Monthly Mindset Transformation Session & Customized Recording

Remove your mindset blocks and reach your wildest goals, ASAP! Here, we cover everything from wealth and worth, to body confidence, inner magic, and desire. Month after month, we’ll rewire your mindset, replacing limiting beliefs with expansive new ideals. Plus, each month you’ll receive a customized hypnotic recording to help you make profound change on a subconscious level.

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Rest Assured You’ll Be 100% Supported At Every Step In Your Journey, With…



Voxer Access & Support

Get live feedback, coaching, and support any time you need it! From talking through your next strategic move, to working through tricky mindset obstacles, I’m never more than a voice note away.


2x Monthly VIP Circle Calls

These optional drop-in sessions provide extra support when you need it most. Bring your challenges to the circle and get direct support with figuring out your next steps—so you never have to feel stuck or stagnant.



Experience next-level growth at two luxury retreats designed to elevate you. Join us in person for these life and business changing retreats where you will dream big, get clear on what you desire, enjoy fabulous cuisine, and luxury accommodations as you step into your next level of success.


Access to ALL Existing Workshops

From suring-up your vision to deep-diving into your sense of self worth—I have tons of amazing resources waiting for you to explore. As a Limitless Mastermind member, you’ll get complimentary access to all workshops and courses, including:

Becoming HER
The Worth & Wealth Workshop
Limitless Wealth
…and anything else I create while you’re in the Mastermind! 

“I’m making 50% more revenue in just two months.

When the Pandemic hit I needed to morph my physical business to a virtual model. My business is now 100% virtual. This investment has more than paid for itself.”

—Lesley-Anne Scorgie - CEO, MeVest Best-selling author, speaker & personal finance expert

“I took a big breath, set my intention to be courageous and take a small step to come closer to a big goal. 

Now, I know I have everything I need within me. I just needed a little push to find the courage. I needed to analyze my life and my mind to figure it out. Your workbooks and words helped tremendously.”

—Ivana Satrak

Here’s how Limitless is different…

Been through a mastermind experience before?


Highly personalized, in-depth experience. We get to know YOU as an individual and craft a plan that matches your precise vision and desires.

To be challenged. This isn’t a place to show up, dream, but never do the work. You’ll be held accountable to your vision and challenged to push yourself into your next level.

A major focus on mindset and belief work. We spend time on strategy—but the most successful women know you MUST cultivate an expansive mindset to support your strategy. 

A performance coach who’s 100% invested in helping you reach your peak potential and build a wildly fabulous life and business. 

A nurturing, close-knit, intimate community where everyone is given 1:1 attention, direction, and personalized support. 


Cookie cutter curriculum, pre-fab strategies, or a “one size fits all” approach. 

All vision, no action. Limitless is a community for movers, shakers, and action takers. 

A little mindset work on the side. We go deep, ask hard questions, and literally reprogram your subconscious mind to process your thoughts and beliefs from a place of abundance. 

A business coach who’s attached to their precise strategy, distracted by other clients, or detached from your results. 

A huge, disconnected group where people slip through the cracks or fall off the radar from month to month. 

If you’re ready to step into next-level abundance, joy, and freedom…

If you’re ready to see how far your business can really go…

If you’re ready to shake the beliefs that have kept you playing small

If you’re ready to claim your deepest desires and turn them into tangible realities…

LIMITLESS is where you’re meant to be.

Step Into Your Fabulous Life


frequently asked questions

Q: I’m already seeing multiple six figures of revenue in my business. Can you help me grow beyond that?

Yes! Limitless is a community for top performers, high earners, and (to be frank) bonafide badasses. You’ll be in the company of women with their sites set on making millions. While we love and support newer entrepreneurs through our self-serve programs and workshops, THIS community is reserved for A-list players scaling beyond six figures.

Do you follow a specific curriculum or teach a particular strategy?

Nope. Every woman is different, every business different, everyone’s desires are different—so naturally, everyone’s strategy will need to be a little different too. While I do have a WEALTH of resources and strategies we can use to move the needle forward, your coaching will be 100% customized and tailor-made to suit you and your vision. 

I have specific questions about my needs and my goals. Can we talk?

I’d love to! Schedule a complimentary call today and we’ll have a zero-pressure chat about whether this community is your best next-step. 


Open Now

Unlock Your Peak Performance & Create a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

12 Months of Limitless Transformation (Value: Priceless!)

Quarterly 1:1 Intensive + 90-Day Strategic Plan (Value: $10,000)

6x 1:1 Intensive Coaching Calls (Value: Priceless!)

2x Monthly Group Coaching Calls (Value: $5,000)

Monthly Mindset Transformation Session + Hypnotic Recording (Value: $12,000)

Community of Amazing Multi-Six Figure Entrepreneurs (Value: Priceless!)

BONUS: Individual Voxer Access & Support (Value: $12,000)

BONUS: 2x Monthly VIP Circle Calls (Value: $5,000)

BONUS: Limitless Luxury Retreat Experience (Value: $10,000)

BONUS: Access to All Workshops + Courses (Value: $2,500)

Your Investment: 


per month for 12 months


total value: more than $56,500